Early Childhood
Students learn phonics based language, mathematics and explorations in geography and science through hands on experiences with concrete materials in beautifully prepared environments. Independence and personal responsibility are cultivated as children learn skills of courtesy, coordination of movement, focus, concentration, and caring for themselves and their class environment.
Early Childhood Class Details:
- Ages 3-6
- Number of classes: 4
- Number of students per classroom: 22
- Number of guides per classroom: 2

Curriculum Extras

Instruction begins with our youngest early childhood students who receive small group instruction using voice, movement to music and percussion instruments to match pitch, rhythm, volume and tone.

Fine Arts
Fine Arts instruction begins with third year early childhood students and continues through eighth grade in small group instruction. Students experience a rich assortment of media, techniques and styles, including clay and ceramics, paint, three dimensional art, drawing, painting, printmaking and more. The elements of art and the principals of design are taught in all the classes appropriate to the age group.

Introduction to Spanish instruction begins with whole group lessons for full day early childhood students who learn oral vocabulary and simple phrases. Instruction continues through the lower elementary level after which students begin independent study in upper elementary classes using Rosetta Stone. Independent study continues through middle school and is supplemented with regular instruction in conversational Spanish.