Upper Elementary
Learning is extended beyond the classroom through regular outings to enhance studies and provide community service. Concrete materials continue to support learning of advanced concepts in mathematics and geometry, language and grammar studies, geography and the history of human civilization, zoology, botany, astronomy, anatomy and chemistry.
Upper Elementary Class Details:
- Ages 9-12 (4th-6th grade)
- Number of classes: 2
- Number of students per classroom: 24
- Number of guides per classroom: 2

Curriculum Extras

Upper elementary students spend three years learning to play in small steel drum bands, continuing their understanding of musical notation, rhythm, harmony and team work.

Students at the upper elementary level continue with their knowledge of the Spanish language and begin independent study in classes using Rosetta Stone.

Fine Arts
Fine Arts instruction begins with third year early childhood students and continues through eighth grade in small group instruction. Students experience a rich assortment of media, techniques and styles, including clay and ceramics, paint, three dimensional art, drawing, painting, printmaking and more. The elements of art and the principals of design are taught in all the classes appropriate to the age group.

Physical Education
Physical education continues at the upper elementary level with a focus on skill building, team work, physical fitness and fun. Cooperation is emphasized rather than competition.

Community Outings
Upper elementary students enjoy opportunities to go out into the community for both field trips and to perform community service outside of the classroom and school community. These various trips provide opportunities to strengthen community, provide practical life experiences, and reinforce concepts from lessons or units of study.

Overnight Trips
Our upper elementary students develop a strong sense of community by working together on meals, maintaining the environment, working on needed projects, and having time to participate in the change in rhythm of living in harmony with nature. Overnight field trips are full of practical life opportunities, time in nature, and community building. Projects are done in groups allowing the students to work with others towards a common goal.